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Monday, July 2, 2012

Warm summer days spent hiding inside pretending to work till I think I've pretended enough. Thinking I'll dive into the new texturing tool my fellow graphics developer, Gatto, turned me on to, it's called MaPZone editor...

I'll post some examples of what I come up with after I play a little!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

One thing I NEVER in a million years thought I'd do is edit a book. Later today, I'll be finishing my second book edit. The first book is a reference book Survival: Prepare Before Disaster Strikes, by- Barbara Fix. Available in Kindle and Print editions here - . And a melodrama/dark humor fiction, Painfully Yours, by- Bella Carter. This rowdy fast paced story charms the reader into begging for the sequel. Painfully Yours, will be available in Kindle and Paperback in a few days!
Well, It's been over a year since the earthquake and tidal wave hit Japan. They're finally seeing effects on animals in Alaska, and are now concerned about the facilities in the Japan Disaster area being used to store spent rods. The situation is becoming quite dire, though there is still not much about it on ANY news. I think if most people realized what we're really looking at, there wouldn't be people living in the northern area of Japan OR on the Western coast of the United States. It won't be long now and they'll have to start letting the cat out of the bag on this. I just hope people don't become too desperate when major poo hits the fan. I just want somewhere that Duck and Cover would actually sort of work... Gotta hand it to the government on that one. The whole duck and cover thing, basically teaching us how to kiss our asses goodbye whilst trying to fit under the coffee table during a nuclear explosion. If it wasn't such a poor idea, I'd almost think it was a joke. Here's a link to the old "Duck and Cover" psa: This video also seems to be the same mentality that the Japanese are up against with regard to their plight overseas. As I said once before, it's the Tepco executives and ANYONE who had ANYTHING to do with building all of those facilities on areas directly over heavily active fault lines should be the ones out there in thin rubber suits dealing with the nuclear slag pit they've created. LET them fix their screw up.

I've decided to not blog about this type of thing any more. I'll not erase these posts and anyone is still welcome to comment if you wish.

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Sharing a golden gift
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