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Saturday, May 29, 2010

BP: 'We are doing everything we can to stop the damn leak' (
How can you be drilling in the ocean floor and NOT already have a plan to FIX a problem like this? Negligence for not having a plan is nearly criminal. Ignorance in this case is NOT bliss.

Remember what your doctor says when you leg hurts when I do this....
And he replies, "THEN STOP DOING IT and your leg won't hurt like that any more!"

Ever stop to think that if we quit carting oil overseas and trying to drill it up out of the ocean that we wouldn't have these CONSTANT disasters with it polluting our environment? DUH! Start lowering your use of petroleum based products and save our planet.

1 comment:

Craig said...

Hi Juno,

Nice to see you posting on your blog finally. It's also nice that BP seems to have finally capped the spill. My dad owns stock in three companies that make up his entire retirement investment portfolio, IBM, Costco and, unfortunately, BP. For his sake I hope the share price rebounds.

Your 3rd cousin in Asia,


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