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Friday, May 28, 2010

Oil Spill Oddessy & Idiocy

Oil, the most abused, overused and ecologically destructive natural resource we have. We tear the earth apart to get at it. Wars are fought over control of it. We all seem to be extremely addicted to it. When I consider these things, it seems to me that we are addicted to one of the most descructive substances on earth.

For certain manufacturing processes, oil is a necessity, styrofoam, plastics and gasoline to name a few. I can see reason for VERY limited use of these substances, but in these times there ARE alternatives that are environmentally friendly, and in the long run cost us far less to produce than this problematic liquid. Why we continue to ruin our planet to get more of it is beyond me. Because so many people have a financially vested interest in it? Why should they be allowed to continue this UNGREEN industry at the expense of our planet's health?

Now we have a gusher spilling out approximately 5,000 BARRELS of oil a day, that's about 100,000 gallons of gasoline. "U.S. refineries produce between 19 and 20 gallons of motor gasoline from one barrel (42 gallons) of crude oil. The remainder of the barrel yields distillate and residual fuel oils, jet fuel, and many other products. Refinery yields of individual products vary from month to month as refiners focus operations to meet demand for different products and maximize profits." (

Notice the last word in the quote? THAT is what oil is about, PROFIT, pure and simple. It's not about simply making our life easier, more convenient. We are stunting our own resource management by focusing so much energy and allowing entities' financial investments to be more important than keeping our planet safe from being ruined. Is this sound thinking or pure idiocy? How many times are we going to continue to allow these mistakes and accidents before we decide it is better for us to MOVE ON and stop using so much of it? We should put OUR money toward energy resources that are more friendly to our environment. WE DON'T NEED OIL so desparately.

Why should we continue doing this to our planet? We now have a gusher under our ocean that is spewing out oil and KILLING everything that lives near it. MORE dead ocean on our planet is something we simply cannot afford. And to add to the stupidity is the fact that the industry that sucks it out of the planets veins, can't seem to fix the problems it's created. If a regular citizen had caused a problem like this he'd be in JAIL awaiting trial.

WAKE UP world. Stop nursing off of the breast of an industry owned by people who's bank accounts matter more than the livelyhood of our planet.

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